Rick & Della Deighton
Rick was born in Longmont , Colorado and is now 72 years old. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and was baptized on April 22, 1956. He and Della were married in December, 1962. They have two grown children, Randy and Sandy, 8 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.
Ministry Experience/Background
Evangelist with White Fields Overseas Evangelism, focusing on the former Soviet Union nations
New church planting
Teaching Christian evidences in youth camps
Using creation evangelism messages for outreach
Teaching conversational English as an evangelistic tool
Northwest Representative for Peace On Earth Ministries (P.O.E.M.)
Preaching (Including “Creation” messages)
Presenting P.O.E.M. objectives
Sharing Literature
Making contacts/getting subscriptions
Other Ministry Experience
Authored and published articles, booklets, and tracts in English and German - one tract has been translated into Korean and two into Russian.
Served as house-parents at the Christian Children’s Home in Boise , Idaho , for 10 months.
Boise Bible College (4 years) - Graduated with BA degree in 1965
Ozark Christian College (1 year) Graduate study with special emphasis on missions training (1965-1966)
Frau Meier - Private tutor in German language (1970)
Goethe Institute - two-month immersion course in German language and culture (1971)
Much personal study of apologetics, cultural issues, and Bible doctrine
Interests & hobbies
Reading , fishing, skiing, horseback riding
Rick was born in Longmont , Colorado and is now 72 years old. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and was baptized on April 22, 1956. He and Della were married in December, 1962. They have two grown children, Randy and Sandy, 8 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.
Ministry Experience/Background
Evangelist with White Fields Overseas Evangelism, focusing on the former Soviet Union nations
New church planting
Teaching Christian evidences in youth camps
Using creation evangelism messages for outreach
Teaching conversational English as an evangelistic tool
Northwest Representative for Peace On Earth Ministries (P.O.E.M.)
Preaching (Including “Creation” messages)
Presenting P.O.E.M. objectives
Sharing Literature
Making contacts/getting subscriptions
Other Ministry Experience
Authored and published articles, booklets, and tracts in English and German - one tract has been translated into Korean and two into Russian.
Served as house-parents at the Christian Children’s Home in Boise , Idaho , for 10 months.
Boise Bible College (4 years) - Graduated with BA degree in 1965
Ozark Christian College (1 year) Graduate study with special emphasis on missions training (1965-1966)
Frau Meier - Private tutor in German language (1970)
Goethe Institute - two-month immersion course in German language and culture (1971)
Much personal study of apologetics, cultural issues, and Bible doctrine
Interests & hobbies
Reading , fishing, skiing, horseback riding