Videos of Reggie Thomas Preaching
Jesus And The Greatest Commandment
Jesus and the question about the lost
Jesus and the most neglected commandment
Jesus and going the second mile
Jesus is coming again
Threatened by the ordinary
cure for the world's worst disease
The greatest sentence Ever Written
just as moses lifted up the serpent
Come inside it's going to rain
Reggie Thomas Preaching at the Kiamichi Men's Clinic
Reggie Thomas preaching on church and personal evangelism. Kiamichi Mountain Men's Clinic May 5-7, 2015.
Personal Evangelism
Church Evangelism
Reggie Thomas Preaching at 2017 Kiamichi Clinic
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
Mother's Day sermon preached by Reggie Thomas on May 14, 2006
A sermon preached by Tony Thomas at Woodland Heights Christian Church, Crawfordsville, IN on their Missions Day, May 7, 2006