Current News
Christmas At Jesus Loves Me Home
We are starting to prepare for our annual Christmas party for the children!
Every year you have helped bless the children with a wonderful Christmas. We are asking again that you help us with this project.
We buy new church clothes, new kitchen items, mattresses, sheets, blankets, we are also able to buy a few favorite snack foods and fun things they do not have the rest of the year.
This is a special time of the year for the children and they appreciate any help you give to them.
As I sat down to write, I thought what else is there to say about Christmas at the Jesus Loves Me Home? What can I say to help people give? Honestly I was coming up empty. I feel like I’ve said it all over the years! Then the memories started flooding in of Christmas’ past.
1. Way back to Mapou (the original orphanage). It was my first Christmas as director. It wasn’t all presents and fun this time. There were meetings, complaints, things to take care, money needed… I was exhausted, drained, a little negative and a lot overwhelmed. While I enjoyed the Christmas party, I wondered what in the world I was thinking! I was yelled at as we were packing up to leave, some of the elder Haitians that were there didn’t like something I had done during the party, I was really down. As I was saying good-bye two of the boys (maybe 7-8 years old) came over to me, hugged me, told me thank you, then gave me gifts. One gave me a car and the other a couple of his marbles. They both smiled ear to ear when they gave those to me. I tried to give them back, but they said “No! Jwaye Nwèl” (Merry Christmas)! I still have the car and the marbles as a reminder!
2. Lacey’s first trip to Haiti was a Christmas trip, she was 18 months old. As she grew, the more she understood. We’ve watched her go from wanting the toys herself, to handing out the gifts, to wanting to buy the gifts. She plans the party and organizes everything! It does my heart good to see this!
3. Last year while we were making the VBS videos and had Junior and Jetro send videos, one question they answered was what was their favorite part about the Jesus Loves Me Home. Jetro’s answer was “seeing the children at the Christmas party!” He said everyone is so happy and it is fun!
4. I think the Christmas party can be overwhelming for some of the new kids. The atmosphere really does change! Think of your own homes on Christmas morning. They have never been given gifts and really do not know what to expect or what is going on. A few years ago, Mirlande was new. She was around 13. I had watched her all week. She looked so sad and stayed by herself. When we tried to include her or talk to her she would give us a sad half smile and turn away. She broke my heart. We felt worse because we didn’t have any older girl gifts. We gave her a doll anyway. The kids always wait until all the kids have their gifts before opening their own gifts. I nervously watched Mirlande. She started pulling stuff out of her bag, looking at each item. I saw the beginnings of a sincere smile! The more she pulled out the smile was growing. The doll was the last thing she pulled out and she sat there staring at it, the smile gone! My heart sank! She started touching the doll, looking at the fingers and toys, playing with it’s hair, she was mesmerized by the doll. She started grinning, not smiling, grinning! She brought the doll to her face, kissing it and hugging it. It was a tearful moment for me. I felt like she had always wanted a doll and never was able to have one. When we left a couple hours later , Mirlande was still grinning and kissing her doll.
This Christmas project is so important to the children. It’s not only about buying them something, it is teaching them to give, it is about giving a child something that they dreamed of but never thought they would receive. It is showing them Jesus’ love through a small gift. It is showing them that they are loved and cared for, and matter to someone they have never met.
Please! If you can help again this year! Your gift means the world to children who otherwise would have nothing!
For the last couple months I have been asking for help with the Jesus Loves Me Home Christmas, I will be asking you again this month! The kids will receive toys and fun things, but they also need everyday things. Clotide says they need at least 11 new mattresses. I know this does not sound like a very fun Christmas present, but to these kids, a new mattress is a bigger blessing! They also know that if new pots and pans are in the kitchen, they are going to have good meals. They love the toys but they also appreciate the practical things. Please consider helping us make this one of the best Christmas’ for them! Any amount will help! Make sure you mark that it’s for JLMH Christmas! Zane, Lacey & I will be able to go to Haiti for their Christmas celebration!
Every year you have helped bless the children with a wonderful Christmas. We are asking again that you help us with this project.
We buy new church clothes, new kitchen items, mattresses, sheets, blankets, we are also able to buy a few favorite snack foods and fun things they do not have the rest of the year.
This is a special time of the year for the children and they appreciate any help you give to them.
As I sat down to write, I thought what else is there to say about Christmas at the Jesus Loves Me Home? What can I say to help people give? Honestly I was coming up empty. I feel like I’ve said it all over the years! Then the memories started flooding in of Christmas’ past.
1. Way back to Mapou (the original orphanage). It was my first Christmas as director. It wasn’t all presents and fun this time. There were meetings, complaints, things to take care, money needed… I was exhausted, drained, a little negative and a lot overwhelmed. While I enjoyed the Christmas party, I wondered what in the world I was thinking! I was yelled at as we were packing up to leave, some of the elder Haitians that were there didn’t like something I had done during the party, I was really down. As I was saying good-bye two of the boys (maybe 7-8 years old) came over to me, hugged me, told me thank you, then gave me gifts. One gave me a car and the other a couple of his marbles. They both smiled ear to ear when they gave those to me. I tried to give them back, but they said “No! Jwaye Nwèl” (Merry Christmas)! I still have the car and the marbles as a reminder!
2. Lacey’s first trip to Haiti was a Christmas trip, she was 18 months old. As she grew, the more she understood. We’ve watched her go from wanting the toys herself, to handing out the gifts, to wanting to buy the gifts. She plans the party and organizes everything! It does my heart good to see this!
3. Last year while we were making the VBS videos and had Junior and Jetro send videos, one question they answered was what was their favorite part about the Jesus Loves Me Home. Jetro’s answer was “seeing the children at the Christmas party!” He said everyone is so happy and it is fun!
4. I think the Christmas party can be overwhelming for some of the new kids. The atmosphere really does change! Think of your own homes on Christmas morning. They have never been given gifts and really do not know what to expect or what is going on. A few years ago, Mirlande was new. She was around 13. I had watched her all week. She looked so sad and stayed by herself. When we tried to include her or talk to her she would give us a sad half smile and turn away. She broke my heart. We felt worse because we didn’t have any older girl gifts. We gave her a doll anyway. The kids always wait until all the kids have their gifts before opening their own gifts. I nervously watched Mirlande. She started pulling stuff out of her bag, looking at each item. I saw the beginnings of a sincere smile! The more she pulled out the smile was growing. The doll was the last thing she pulled out and she sat there staring at it, the smile gone! My heart sank! She started touching the doll, looking at the fingers and toys, playing with it’s hair, she was mesmerized by the doll. She started grinning, not smiling, grinning! She brought the doll to her face, kissing it and hugging it. It was a tearful moment for me. I felt like she had always wanted a doll and never was able to have one. When we left a couple hours later , Mirlande was still grinning and kissing her doll.
This Christmas project is so important to the children. It’s not only about buying them something, it is teaching them to give, it is about giving a child something that they dreamed of but never thought they would receive. It is showing them Jesus’ love through a small gift. It is showing them that they are loved and cared for, and matter to someone they have never met.
Please! If you can help again this year! Your gift means the world to children who otherwise would have nothing!
For the last couple months I have been asking for help with the Jesus Loves Me Home Christmas, I will be asking you again this month! The kids will receive toys and fun things, but they also need everyday things. Clotide says they need at least 11 new mattresses. I know this does not sound like a very fun Christmas present, but to these kids, a new mattress is a bigger blessing! They also know that if new pots and pans are in the kitchen, they are going to have good meals. They love the toys but they also appreciate the practical things. Please consider helping us make this one of the best Christmas’ for them! Any amount will help! Make sure you mark that it’s for JLMH Christmas! Zane, Lacey & I will be able to go to Haiti for their Christmas celebration!
You Can Donate Online
If you looked on the home page, you saw a donate now button! Any donations will be sent to us monthly. They will keep 4.5% of each donation, so please keep that in mind.
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You can now SHOP and DONATE on Amazon! White Fields is now a registered organization on smile amazon. We will receive a donation of .05% of your purchases. To ease your mind, your purchases remain private, we only receive the donation.
Go to smile amazon and register!
You can also sign up with and list White Fields Overseas Evangelism as your desired charity. Follow the instructions on iGive. They have hundreds of popular companies they work with and will send us a check quarterly. The money we receive from Amazon and iGive will be used for special projects that are in need at the time.
Go to smile amazon and register!
You can also sign up with and list White Fields Overseas Evangelism as your desired charity. Follow the instructions on iGive. They have hundreds of popular companies they work with and will send us a check quarterly. The money we receive from Amazon and iGive will be used for special projects that are in need at the time.
Concerning Emergencies
White Fields Overseas Evangelism is a missionary agency of the Churches of Christ and Christian Churches in America dedicated to taking the Gospel of Christ to the whole world. We have been evangelizing in this capacity for the past 49 years and during this time have preached the Gospel in 82 nations of the world. Our primary goal is to preach the gospel, win souls to Christ, and establish the church in the unreached villages and nations. We have also helped to build 190 church buildings in various nations and have established and maintained 6 orphanages. We are also providing support for 129 native evangelists throughout the world.
White Fields was not organized for the purpose of taking care of emergencies. But as urgent needs have arisen we have responded by helping as we are able in various unexpected needy situations. For example:
1. Recently there was a horrible typhoon that devastated the island nation of Vanuatu. White Fields supporters and I.D.E.S. responded with $4,165.00. We sent these funds through White Fields Evangelist Doug Willis in Australia who was personally acquainted with Christians in Vanuatu. The funds were used to purchase seeds and Doug sent these seeds to Christian friends who have planted them to help feed victims for years to come.
2. In recent weeks two terrible earthquakes devastated the nation of Nepal. White Fields Evangelist Blythe Robinson, at his own personal expense made the trip to Nepal with $ 5,000 to help the victims. Blythe personally purchased needed clothing and food and gave to as many victims as the funds would permit.
3. When hurricane Yolanda hit Cebu in the Philippines. It destroyed the home of White Fields Evangelist Isaiah Labrado (now deceased) and his widow Dulce Labrado. Edwin Thomas, brother of Reggie, is a full time missionary in the Philippines. He personally has supervised the situation and is now involved in building a new home for Dulce. We are praying that funds will be provided for this tragedy.
4. Two weeks ago we learned of the tragic highway wreck that destroyed the Jesus Loves Me Orphanage truck. This truck is essential in getting the orphan children to school each day and in getting food supplies to the orphanage. You will read the details of this tragedy elsewhere in this newsletter.
5. A few days ago we received word from the Jesus Loves Me Home that the well has run dry. We cleaned and dug this well deeper in January. Our only choice now is to dig a new well at the cost of $4,000.
We do not send out urgent appeals every time a tragedy occurs. Our reasoning is this: we know that almost all supporters of White Fields give for a specific purpose: native evangelist support, orphan support, or some specific project. All funds given to White Fields that are designated go 100% for the project. We do not even take out office expenses, postage, or telephone calls. Every peony given goes for the designated purpose. We also realize that nearly all White Fields supporters are giving all they can give. So we do not burden faithful supporters by asking for more. But we do have a few friends of White Fields who do not regularly give, but do give for urgent causes. We let them know of theses urgent unexpected needs and appreciate those who are able to respond
White Fields was not organized for the purpose of taking care of emergencies. But as urgent needs have arisen we have responded by helping as we are able in various unexpected needy situations. For example:
1. Recently there was a horrible typhoon that devastated the island nation of Vanuatu. White Fields supporters and I.D.E.S. responded with $4,165.00. We sent these funds through White Fields Evangelist Doug Willis in Australia who was personally acquainted with Christians in Vanuatu. The funds were used to purchase seeds and Doug sent these seeds to Christian friends who have planted them to help feed victims for years to come.
2. In recent weeks two terrible earthquakes devastated the nation of Nepal. White Fields Evangelist Blythe Robinson, at his own personal expense made the trip to Nepal with $ 5,000 to help the victims. Blythe personally purchased needed clothing and food and gave to as many victims as the funds would permit.
3. When hurricane Yolanda hit Cebu in the Philippines. It destroyed the home of White Fields Evangelist Isaiah Labrado (now deceased) and his widow Dulce Labrado. Edwin Thomas, brother of Reggie, is a full time missionary in the Philippines. He personally has supervised the situation and is now involved in building a new home for Dulce. We are praying that funds will be provided for this tragedy.
4. Two weeks ago we learned of the tragic highway wreck that destroyed the Jesus Loves Me Orphanage truck. This truck is essential in getting the orphan children to school each day and in getting food supplies to the orphanage. You will read the details of this tragedy elsewhere in this newsletter.
5. A few days ago we received word from the Jesus Loves Me Home that the well has run dry. We cleaned and dug this well deeper in January. Our only choice now is to dig a new well at the cost of $4,000.
We do not send out urgent appeals every time a tragedy occurs. Our reasoning is this: we know that almost all supporters of White Fields give for a specific purpose: native evangelist support, orphan support, or some specific project. All funds given to White Fields that are designated go 100% for the project. We do not even take out office expenses, postage, or telephone calls. Every peony given goes for the designated purpose. We also realize that nearly all White Fields supporters are giving all they can give. So we do not burden faithful supporters by asking for more. But we do have a few friends of White Fields who do not regularly give, but do give for urgent causes. We let them know of theses urgent unexpected needs and appreciate those who are able to respond